C2SM Symposium 2013: The Water Cycle in a Changing Climate

In the framework of the CHIRP2-project, «Modeling the water cycle in a changing climate – a multiscale interaction challenge», C2SM organized a 2-day symposium on

The Water Cycle in a Changing Climate

July 1-2, 2013, ETH Zurich

Climate change will fundamentally affect the Earth’s water cycle. Yet, our understanding and our ability to predict changes in the water cycle are still limited. To face this challenge, the Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) organized a symposium on the water cycle in a changing climate. The goal is to review our current understanding of the processes governing the water cycle, and to explore new frontiers in using climate change information towards coping with emerging challenges.

Water Symposium in the ETH-Klimablog

Check the contributions of Christoph Schär, Bruno Schädler and Nicolas Gruber in the ETH-Klimablog

The slides of the talks and many posters are now available.
See program and look for the contribution.

Programme committee: C. Appenzeller (MeteoSwiss), I. Bey (C2SM), J. Fuhrer (ART), N. Gruber (ETH, CHIRP2), C. Schär (Chair, ETH), H. Wernli (ETH)
Organizing Committee: R. Buri, D. Lüthi, T. Rutishauser, H. von Waldow (C2SM)

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