Swiss climate change scenarios

Swiss climate change scenarios - overview

The development of climate change scenarios for Switzerland started about two decades ago [1]. The first comprehensive national report CH2007 [2] was published in 2007, followed by a second report in 2011 (external  The latest climate scenario report, the Swiss climate change scenarios CH2018, presents the actual projections of how climate changes in Switzerland. Recently, a new project has been kicked off to develop the next generation of climate information to be published by 2025.

1 S. Brönnimann, C. Appenzeller, M. Croci-Maspoli, J. Fuhrer, M. Grosjean, R. Hohmann, K. Ingold, R. Knutti, M. A. Liniger, C. C. Raible, R. Röthlisberger, C. Schär, S. C. Scherrer, K. Strassmann, and P. Thalmann (2014), “Climate change in Switzerland: a review of physical, institutional, and political aspects,” WIRES Climate Change, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 461–481

2 OcCC (2007), “Klimaänderung und die Schweiz 2050; Erwartete Auswirkungen auf Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft,” OcCC and ProClim, 172 pp.


Klima CH2025 project

The aim of the Klima CH2025 project is to extend and build upon the CH2018 scenarios to create an updated set of Swiss climate change scenarios providing information to Swiss policymakers in accordance with the National Adapation Strategy of Switzerland to be updated after 2025. Specifically, it is planned to seamlessly connect information on past, present, and future climate change in Switzerland in this new edition of Swiss climate change scenarios.

Project duration
2023 - 2025

Project partners
MeteoSwiss, ETH Zurich including C2SM, University of Bern

Project webpage
Coming soon (April 2023)

Project coordinators

Swiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2018


The external pageSwiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2018 are the most recent generation of Swiss climate scenarios. They are published at the website of the external pageNational Centre for Climate Services (NCCS) and show where and how climate change affects Switzerland and what global climate change mitigation efforts can do about it. The expected consequences of unchecked climate change for Switzerland include more hot days, dry summers, heavy precipitation and winters with little snow. However, global efforts to mitigate climate change could curb furture climate change.

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